The City of Wonders has been saved by nearly miraculous forces and the Silent Army is risen, ready to defend the Fellein Empire and Empress Nachia at any cost.

The power that was hidden in the Mounds is on the move, seeking a final confrontation with the very entities that kept it locked away since the Cataclysm. Andover Lashk has finally come to accept his destiny and prepares to journey back to Fellein. The Sa’ba Taalor continue their domination over each country and people they encounter, but the final conflict is coming: The Great Wave of the Sa’ba Taalor stands to destroy an empire and the Silent Army prepares to stop them in their tracks.

Caught in the middle is the Fellein Empire and the people who have gathered together on the final battlefield. The faithful and the godless, the soldiers and killers alike all stand or fall as old gods and new bring their war to a world-changing end.

Some struggles are eternal. Some conflicts never cease. The Gods of War are here and they are determined to win.

File Under: Fantasy

Book Info:
The Fourth Book in the Seven Forges Series

UK Print
Date: 7th April 2016
ISBN: 9780857665072
Format: Medium (B-Format) Paperback
R.R.P.: £8.99

North American Print
Date: 5th April 2016
ISBN: 9780857665089
Format: Small (Mass-Market) Paperback
R.R.P.: US$7.99 / CAN$9.99

Date: 5th April 2016
ISBN: 9780857665096
Format: Epub & Mobi
R.R.P.: £5.49 / US$6.99

More Books in This Series:

1. Seven Forges (October 2013)
2. The Blasted Lands (July 2014)
3. City of Wonders (November 2015)

Buying Info:

UK Print & Ebook | Book Depository | Waterstones | WHSmith

North American Print & Ebook | | |

Global DRM-Free Epub & Mobi Ebook
On-sale 5th April 2016 from the Robot Trading Company

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Author Info:

James A. Moore: | @jamesamoore on Twitter

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Praise and Reviews for the Seven Forges series:

“The Seven Forges series is epic fantasy the way it should be done, and City of Wonders is no exception. It’s character driven without sacrificing the action, intrigue, and wonder that’s at the heart of all good fantasy. That Moore throws in a dash of horror only makes his recipe better.”
Adventures Fantastic

“Wow, that twist. In some ways I think I should have seen it coming, and I kind of did, but Seven Forges just lulled me into security and BAM! Craziness!”
– Anya, On Starships and Dragonwings

“James A. Moore dedicates Seven Forges in part ‘to the memory of Fritz Leiber and Robert E. Howard for the inspiration.’ That dedication sets the bar high, and caused me a bit of readerly apprehension, because so many writers have imitated badly those two greats of the sword and sorcery tradition. Moore is far more than an imitator, though. He does some fresh, counterintuitive things with the genre conventions. More than once, he startled me into saying out loud, ‘I didn’t see that coming.'”
Black Gate

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